Economic activity among humanity involves consumption of resources. It is the overconsumption of resources, and the overproduction of waste that leads to environmental destruction. Therefore, humans must of their own volition live, act, and transact, within their means. They must not be coerced into overconsumption.
However, we are a complex society of specialization. For example, we have farmers specialized in dairy production and mechanical experts specialized in manufacturing agricultural machinery. The two need each other. Neither can do the work of the other and both produce far more of their respective products than each needs as an individual for himself and his family. They are therefore able to trade the excess they produce in return for that which they need. Therefore, a balance of trade is required among all of humanity in order to provide sustainability within a complex society of specialization. Otherwise, we would be relegated to return to a hunter-gatherer status as a means to attain sustainability. Furthermore, in order to deal with one another on a basis of ethics, morality and fairness (without the use of force or coercion) humans must be able to trade economically through a medium of exchange that represents a fair and equivalent value in all respective transactions. The use of barter for voluntary exchange is moral and fair. Barter may be used at any time by mutual agreement of the parties involved, but it is not practical as a means of transacting among the larger society for numerous obvious reasons. As I pointed out in the example of the dairy farmer and tractor manufacturer, the use of money as a medium of exchange in any fair and just economic transaction requires it to be sound money. It is a basic fact of economics, that when the money itself can spoil (just as milk or any perishable commodity can), it must be spent more quickly in order to exchange it for other economic value—before it loses it purchasing power. Examples of "spoilage" in money include - inflation, and deliberate devaluation of the currency. These are features solely of FIAT money - and are a consequence of deficit and "stimulus" spending by the government. "Stimulus" comes from the Keynesian theory that frivolous government spending - on anything - especially when it's unproductive - will lead to economic "growth." But their version of "growth" - is growth in consumption (we will revisit this idea again later). This leads directly to overconsumption. A sound money system (precious metal standard) prevents any actor in the economy from deficit spending - since you cannot simply print more money to cover your debt - which is why governments HATE sound money. But such a system FORCES every actor in the economy - especially governments - to live within their means. It follows then that the basis of environmental sustainability is the use of sound money, while the basis for unsustainability and overconsumption is the opposite—the use of unsound or fiat money. It has been shown that the main purpose of sound or honest money is to provide all three properties required of money: 1) medium of exchange; 2) unit of account; and 3) a sustainable store of value. Fiat, on the other hand, cannot serve as a reliable store of value, and only serves as a medium of exchange. Fiat has features however, which enable it to be used for other purposes – purposes for which sound money cannot be used. One of these is fiat’s ability to be used to distort demand among the members of society. The ability to create an infinite amount of money leads to the illusion of infinite resources and therefore generates infinite (perpetually increasing) demand. This enables a continual expansion of consumption—an unsustainable condition in nature. It also enables the creator of that money (when issued as debt with interest) to target specific markets for increases in consumption, while ignoring other market sectors (in order to pervert the natural forces of supply and demand among the larger society). This allows them to create market-specific bubbles (inflations) at their political whim. Politicians use this as a ruse to lay claim that they are shepherding a growing economy, which is a fallacy—growth in consumption is not real economic growth because it is unsustainable. When something has been consumed … it is gone. To grow this kind of economy requires consuming more, and more, and more … forever. Fiat can be used to coerce (or more accurately to delude) the population into believing that through debt expansion they have the ability to consume more than they would otherwise. This drives people across all of society to make economic transactions they would not otherwise have made with sound money – which cannot be created out of thin air. Fiat money expansion encourages people to over-consume, while sound money’s stability encourages people to be frugal, to save, and to only spend their money judiciously. Fiat money is the fundamental basis for an unsustainable economic model. Sound money is the opposite. Overconsumption is the basis for environmental unsustainability. When people over-consume, they also over-pollute. These facts lead to a singular conclusion. For a free, fair, and just society to live sustainably within Earth’s finite environment, we must base our economic model on a system of exchange that inherently demands self-discipline—one that requires all members of society, especially those with political power – to live within their means. To have one part of humanity empowered with the ability to impose their will on another part of humanity opens the door to corruption and abuse of power. Sound money is self-regulating. It precludes the abuse of political power by an arbitrary body authorized to create money from nothing. Sound money cannot be inflated to artificially expand demand and therefore overconsumption. It cannot be used by one part of humanity to manipulate the purchasing decisions of another part of humanity. By its very nature, sound money imparts fiscal discipline across the entire economy and it precludes over-consumptive behavior by every individual, group, institution, and unaccountable government. Fiat on the other hand provides exactly the opposite – a medium of exchange that can be manipulated and used by one part of humanity to profit from the unbridled consumption carried out by another part of humanity. It leads to incalculable cost in terms of unsustainable depletion of our natural resources, and generation of waste and pollution in excess of nature’s ability to process it. The basis of natural law which demands the exclusive use of sound money among our society—as a means to protect the integrity of all transactions and the sustainability of our resources—was given by the original United States Constitution. Article 1, Section 8 guaranteed our nation a system of sound money based on the gold and silver standard. The US Constitution, in terms of its original meaning and intent, was the first (and remains the only) governing document ever drafted which provides this economic recipe for humanity to coexist peacefully, sustainably, fairly, ethically, and in accordance with the laws of nature. Indeed, the framers wrote voluminously about their intent to base The Constitution upon Natural Law. This was discussed extensively by their intellectual and philosophical mentors such as Adam Smith and John Locke, and goes all the way back to the Magna Carte. It was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the sixteenth amendment that acted to subvert this basic principle. Their sole purpose was to create an economic model whose moral basis is diametrically opposed to the Constitution’s original intent. Their intent was to enable our currently unsustainable system of consumption-based illusory growth through fiat money—solely for the benefit of the money printers. It is they who are destroying this planet as any parasite that slowly consumes its host, until nothing is left but a bleached skeleton laying on a barren desert. Is this what "we the people" wish for this once-great country? Make no mistake about it. Environmentalism is a political movement--nothing more. Politics is the use of force and coercion by one group of men over another. Conservationism on the other hand, is the basis for acting to preserve our environment and natural world for posterity, and for future generations—not the basis for political power, prestige, or personal gain. We have seen how this country’s politicians almost universally declare themselves as environmentalists, while at the same time they consistently act to preserve our corrupt fiat monetary system whose main purpose is to enable overconsumption (fiscal stimulus and deficit spending). Political environmentalists are therefore the worst kind of hypocrites. Our fiat monetary model is based on Marxism and on the Keynesian notion of digging holes in the ground in order to fill them in again, as a means to create jobs and economic growth. It enables endless foreign interventionism, wars, debt expansion, mal-investment, all of which lead directly to the over-use and destruction of our natural resources. This does not enable the creation of sustainable economic value and it is absolutely incompatible with a policy of conservationism. Fiat money can simply be re-printed if it is lost, mal-invested, or misspent. Money that you can print out of thin air can be spent frivolously, without a judicious discipline in its employment as capital. It is therefore the basis of a society bent on over-consuming until we are left with an over-polluted, unsustainable, unlivable planet covered with trash dumps, bomb craters, and other useless holes in the ground—courtesy of John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx. Fiat money is the system we are currently living under. Economic activity is not the same as economic growth. Real growth—sustainable value creation—comes from investment, savings, and creating real lasting value for all of humanity. The basis for this is a system of money that has shelf-life, and for which the risk of loss is real. That kind of money demands that it is employed judiciously in terms of investment in production because if it is mal-invested … it is wasted, along with the resources which were consumed in order to mine for, and mint it into existence. This is the main distinction which escapes the understanding of most people. Marxist (and Keynesian) FIAT money that today's central banks can create in the trillions - with nothing more than a keystroke on a computer - has no intrinsic value - for obvious reasons. The idea that creating it and then injecting it into the economy to "stimulate" demand that didn't before exist - is an absurd perversion of the economy. An asset-based money on the other hand - such as gold or silver coin - can only come into being when REAL - already existing economic demand requires that new money be created. And then, the only way to create it - is to trade labor in the act of mining for and then minting those coins. This is what gives sound money its intrinsic value. Labor has already been traded in the act of its creation - giving it intrinsic value. It is why that kind of money is called "honest" money, or "sound" money—the system the US Government abandoned in 1913 - in direct violation of the US Constitution. Most politicians label themselves as "environmentalists," while at the same time supporting and defending our Unconstitutional economic model - as a means to expand their power - through deficit spending. Environmentalists are out to enrich themselves, by co-opting the otherwise virtuous and honorable movement of conservationism--mainly to gain political power. In case you haven't yet figured it out - the political class - all of whom call themselves "environmentalists," are in fact hypocrites, liars, thieves, and degenerates. True conservationists are out to protect Mother-Earth. Doing so requires a devotion to TRUTH. When one misrepresents the problems of our society as being the opposite of their true nature, the wrong solutions to those problems will ALWAYS be applied. Environmentalists are after political power. They are hypocrites whose actions are as destructive to our environment as any rampantly polluting industrial chemical company - perhaps more-so; for they steadfastly support the very economic model that enables such institutions and encourages their irresponsible largess. True conservationists could achieve their ends far more effectively and quickly by pushing for a restoration of sound money—the precious-metal standard—as our monetary system. This therefore requires a restoration of The United States Constitution in terms of its original meaning and intent. These are the true bases for a sustainable and prosperous standard of living for all of mankind, while preserving and protecting our natural environment. In fact, restoring the Constitution, and our system of sound money are the only chance humanity has to save this planet from environmental annihilation. And Time is Running Out.
AuthorF.A. Grieger - Author of Chase The Rabbit Archives
September 2022
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